How to create an amazing HDR with one exposure in Lightroom

Are you tired of bracketing photos to make an HDR? Yes, they take up lots of hard drive space and really you do not need to do that anymore. In this video I will show you how to create an amazing HDR photo in Lightroom using this awesome plug in.

It is very cool and you can create some amazing images. Click on this link to get the plugin. Check out the video and start making stunning HDR photos.

Don’t forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel for more cool tutorials and videos.

Miami Beach Sunrise Workshop (22 of 63)Before


Miami Beach Sunrise Workshop (22 of 63)_AuroraHDR_HDR

How to edit a dramatic foggy photo in Lightroom

In this video I will teach you how to edit a foggy dark dramatic photograph. I shot this in Miami Florida on a very stormy and windy night. I really like how the clouds cover tips of the buildings. I wanted to clean of the image make it nice and bright but give it a dramatic feel to it. In this video you will see that with a few simple sliders you can make any image pop.

Please leave a question on the comments below, and please subscribe to my channel.

Miami Skyline-2


Miami Skyline-1

How and when to use your visualize spots tool in Lightroom

Yesterday I posted this photograph so if you’d like to find out the exact details about it go to yesterday’s post.

I created this video to show you how and when to use your visualize spots tool. This is a very important tool when it comes to removing sensor spots. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to clean your sensor often and if you can’t do it yourself or take it in this is when this tool comes in really handy.

When I see people’s photos and they are really really nice but they have sensor spots it takes all the goodness away from a beautiful photo. It is important that when you spend so much time editing a photo you finish it off my cleaning all the sensor spots. A trained eye will always see these sensors spots first and immediately be turned off.

In this video I will show you how to take care of your sensor spots if you have any questions please leave them on the comments below and please subscribe to my YouTube channel for more awesome tutorials and cool videos.

Long Exposures Using ND Filters to create amazing photos

What is an ND filter? What is it for? How do you use it?

ND or Neutral Density filters are dark filters and are designed to reduce the amount of light reaching the sensor of your camera in order to increase exposure times, without affecting the color of the image.

There are many different manufacturers, and if you decide to get one, make sure you don’t get a cheap one. This filters usually start from light and go to really dark. They reduce your F-stop by 1 stop, 2 stops, etc. etc.

I like to use a 10 stop filter. This is a very dark filter, it reduces light by ten stops. You have to set up your shot before you attach your filter. Here is a video I made on how to use these filters.

This is the filter I use for all my daytime long exposures. 77mm 3.0 ND MRC 110M Filter, Every photo here has been shot with this exact filter, and I could not be happier.

Long Exposures Using ND Filters

So when do you use these filters? I like to use them when the weather is crazy, usually when the clouds are visibly moving really fast and the colors are vibrant. During sunrise and right after sunset is usually a good time.

You can use these filters in the day time that’s how you get the crazy movement of the clouds. Below are a few examples of how I use these filters. All these photos are shot in bulb mode and are from 1-3 minute exposures.

Have you ever used one?

The sun rises over Miami Beach painting the sky orange

Long exposures using nd filters using nd filters to blur out the clouds

LOng exposure tutorial using an ND filter

Long exposures using nd filters

Long exposures using nd filters nd filter tutorial

Long exposures using nd filters

How to blur the clouds with filters

Long exposures using nd filters

Long exposures using nd filters

Long exposures using nd filters

How to bring your photos to life in Lightroom (Video)

How to bring your photos to life in Lightroom

In this video I will show you how to bring out the shadows on your under exposed photographs, I will also cover graduated filters and show you how to make your photos pop with a few simple sliders in Lightroom 5.

If you do not have Lightroom you can download it by clicking on this link.

If you want another step by step video tutorial on how to create incredible landscape photos click on this link.

Camera settings:
4 seconds f/11 ISO 100 14mm

The Everglades National Park

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