How to take night photos
In this video, I cover everything I do to take night photos. From camera gear to you basic settings. I also explain how to get those really cool light tracers you often see in photographs.
In this video, I cover everything I do to take night photos. From camera gear to you basic settings. I also explain how to get those really cool light tracers you often see in photographs.
This is one of my favorite spots to hang out during sunset or at night. Its quiet, and the sun sets in behind the skyline. After it sets you can just hand out and enjoy the night. Best with a good friend and perhaps a bit of wine….
One of the questions I get the most is how I take daytime long exposure photos. I made a video so you can see exactly what I do, how I look at the clouds and light. Here is a another blog post I made covering this exact topic along with lots of sample photos.
10 Stop ND Filter I use:
Its crazy how many sunrises I shoot per year, almost all of them. Sadly they are not all photogenic, in fact its quite the opposite. Most of the time I end up sitting on the beach watching it and not photographing it. Its not a bad thing, but as a photographer I wish they were all epic.
This particular morning looked clear and not so colorful, when all of the sudden the stars aligned and this happened. It was an epic moment to say the least.
Camera settings: 3 seconds f22 ISO 100
Here is day 5 on developing your own photography style, remember to grab the RAW file and follow along.
This is the Black and White version of this photo. You have to be careful when doing black and white and know exactly what sliders to use. There are many ways to turn a photo into black and white, in this video I will show you how you can make a b&w image pop.
Here is day 4 on developing your own photography style, remember to grab the RAW file and follow along.
In this video I focus more on a conventional look. Something that can please the photographer and the viewer alike. By combining very simple sliders in Lightroom I can achieve this look.