Photos of Hurricane Irma

Hurricane Irma is here. I have been hiding indoors for 6 hours. The storm is so crazy insane, the entire state of Florida is stuck in a wind tunnel. There is a lot of damage from what I can see in through the balcony. The entire building is shaking all you hear is the roar of mother nature. Cranes are falling down streets are flooded, mass chaos and destruction is happening as I write this post. Here are some images and some footage of the early stages of Hurricane Irma.

Mother nature always wins.

I shot this photos with my Nikon D800 and my favorite lens ever Nikon 24-85mm.

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Irma 15 of 90 7

Irma 21 of 90 6

Irma 31 of 90 5

Irma 38 of 90 4

Irma 61 of 90 3

Irma 66 of 90 2

Irma 83 of 90 1

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Photolemur Full Review

I ran across Photolemur while doing a search for some cool plugins. Once I opened their page, I had to have the software. What is Photolemur? It is intelligent editing software.

What does that mean? It means you do not have to do anything. The software does it all for you. All you have to do is install, drop your photos in the software and like magic they come out editing. What is great about this particular software, is that it works as stand alone software or as a Lightroom plug in.

It is really cool and it actually does a really nice job. It does not overdo the image, it just makes some really nice crisp adjustments and the results are awesome.

I have tried it in a handful of photos and it seems to work well all around.  Below are the samples I used in the video. Let me know your thoughts, and if you are a user I’d like to know what you think about the software. I personally think is awesome, and for the price, you can’t beat it.

Clik on this link to download the software.  All photos in this post were shot with my [thirstylink linkid=”17203″ linktext=”” class=”thirstylink” title=”this camera”] and with the awesome [thirstylink linkid=”17204″ linktext=”” class=”thirstylink” title=”this awesome lens”].

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Top 10 Best photography quotes of All Times

Here are the top 10 best photography quotes of all times. According to me anyway. These are very inspirational and they never get old to read. When I am lacking a bit of inspiration I read these quotes, next thing you know I want to run outside with my camera in hand and start taking pictures.  Quotes are often a great place to find inspiration. 

Great photos are a click away from good inspiration. I hope you enjoy these quotes as much as I do. If you are looking for inspiration sit back, relax, and check out the video.

Top 10 Best photography quotes

Top 10 Best photography quotes

“Taking an image, freezing a moment,
reveals how rich reality truly is.”
— Anonymous

“Only photograph what you love.”
— Tim Walker

“Today everything exists to end in a photograph.”
— Susan Sontag

“If you see something that moves you,
and then snap it, you keep a moment.”
— Linda McCartney

“Photography is the story I fail to put into words.”
— Destin Sparks

“The whole point of taking pictures
is so that you don’t have to explain things with words.”
— Elliott Erwitt

“One doesn’t stop seeing. One doesn’t stop framing.
It doesn’t turn off and turn on. It’s on all the time.”
— Annie Leibovitz

“Taking pictures is savoring life intensely,
every hundredth of a second.”
— Marc Riboud

“The best thing about a picture
is that it never changes, even when the people in it do.”
— Andy Warhol

The gear I used for all my photos: Nikon D800 with a Nikon 14-24mm a Nikon 24-85mm a Nikon 70-200.  A MeFOTO tripod is a must. I edit all my images with my Lightroom Presets download them and give them a try.

Do you have any favorite photography quotes? Leave them in the comments below. I would love to hear some more. They are good for the soul… 

How to make everything better

No matter how bad my day is going, my weekend went, or what personal things are happening in my life, I know at the end of the day I always have my camera. That’s my escape, that is the only thing I can count on to take my mind go elsewhere, exactly where I want to be.

That is the magic of photography, it takes you away (physically and mentally) to the most amazing places you can imagine. It’s just like dreaming but in real life. Have you ever had a dream and you just did not want it to end? Well, that is exactly what photography is for me, an endless dream of unlimited possibilities… What does photography mean to you?

I shot the image in the video with my Nikon D800 and my Nikon 14-24mm on my MeFOTO tripod.

Sunrise 70 of 117

Sunrise 99 of 117
