Dancing with birds

I woke up this weekend to shoot the sunrise, unfortunately it was not very picturesque. I felt great to be out there, but the sky was flat, there were no colors and it was just boring for a photos.

This is where my creativity kicked in. I brought some tortillas from home (I know I’m super Mexican) in case this happened. I’m always super prepared, and I’m glad. I started throung tiny pieces to the air for the birds to come and I could get some sort of shot acoomplished, not oly that but it was fun messing around with my friends on the beach at 6:30am

The first pic is me, I put the cam on a tripod on a timer and let it fire while I was running around like a maniac. The second shot was more of what I was aiming for.

Sunrise 98 of 111

Settings: 1/125 F10 ISO 100

Sunrise 49 of 111

This is where you can find me in the mornings shooting the sunrise. If you are ever around come say hi.

Indian Fisherman

Indian fisherman are amazing. They wake up way before sunrise to set everything up, then work their asses off. Its quite sad to see all the efforts they put into their craft often for nothing at all. I watched them and talked to them for a while, they said more times then not, they go home empty handed….

Faces of India

Liberty Formations

I shot this at the Reno Balloon Races a few years back during sunrise. I wanted to get the formation of the planes and the liberty balloon in the same frame. It all happened so fast but I did manage to get it.

I felt it told a better story by getting both in the same shot. The planes are the US Air force and the balloon says liberty, all in flight. Like a bird in the sky dancing freely among the clouds.


Sunrise Blues

Even time I watch the sunrise its like being re-born again. It is a reminder that the day ahead of us is full of opportunity and we must cease on that. I always try to make the best out of every single day of my life, from work to family to friends. I think I have found a balance but I keep my photography as my start of the day. I also wrap up the day by shooting a sunset.

