Miami Beach 24 St Lifeguard Tower

Here is one of the coolest lifeguard towers in Miami Beach. This one is rather new but its a bit hard to shoot. There is not a lot of space between you and the tower, and the tower and the ocean you you really have to get creative to shoot it. Its located on 24st and super easy to find.

Its so nice being here in the morning when there is nobody around. The ocean breeze and the calm waives always make a perfect start of the day. I teach sunrise workshops if you are ever in Miami check out my schedule in this link.

Here are my camera settings:
104 seconds f14 ISO 100 Lens 24-85mm

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Fish Market Athens Greece

The fish market in Athens Greece is amazing. I was on my way to Acropolis when I stumbled upon this awesome fish market. I could smell the freshness as soon as I walked in. You would think that it would stink in there, but it’s quite the opposite it smelled really good, like fish but fresh fish.

The people were extremely friendly and they always wanted to pose for photos, as soon as they saw the camera they would pick up a fish and strike up a pose with a big fat smile. It’s always great meeting happy people, it always rubs off.

If you find your self in Athens Greece, make a stop at the market and buy your self a piece of fresh fish, make some amazing dinner and check out the incredible sunset.

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Cadillac Ranch Amarillo Texas

Cadillac Ranch is one of those places you see out of the corner of your eye while you are driving and you can’t help but to slam on your brakes. This place super weird in a really cool way. There are loads of paint cans laying all over the place. You can just grave one and paint on the cars.

Cadillac Ranch is not a ranch but a public art installation and sculpture in Amarillo, Texas. It was created in 1974 by Chip Lord, Hudson Marquez and Doug Michels, who were a part of the art group Ant Farm.

If you ever get see this out of the corner of your eyes, stop and check it out. Have you ever been there?






Toxic Algae Bloom in Florida

Here is what is happening in Florida. This is the toxic algae bloom going on in Florida waters caused by fertilizer, sewage, and manure pollution that the state has failed to properly regulate.

Floridas governor has declared a state of emergency in Florida counties. I shot this photos yesterday in the St. Lucie River. The problem is expected to get worse, and now can be seen from space via satelite. We must change, we are destroying our planet at an alarming rate… Would love to hear your thoughts on this.

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