How to photograph the moon

How to photograph the moon broken down step by step with camera settings and gear.

My friend called me last night and asked me, Edin how do I take photos of the moon? I guess when I am out shooting I do not always think about how to shoot certain things, I just go on automatic mode and get shooting.

The moon can be a bit tricky to shoot, however, it is not hard and it does not to be complicated.

The most important thing to remember, there has to be a full moon out there. Here are the things you need.

  1.  A tripod I use my MeFOTO tripod it is nice and sturdy and can hold my heavy Nikon D800 with my Nikon 70-200 lens.
  2.  A zoom lens, for this I recommend something 300 zoom plus. I do not have one so I used my Nikon 70-200. It works well.
  3.  A camera, I use my Nikon D800 but any camera that can be put in manual mode will work.

Now here are the settings you will need. Please remember that these will vary as you zoom and depending on how bright the moon is.

Settings: 1/160 sec f5.6 ISO 100 remember to be on a tripod. These zoom lenses can be very touchy and if you are not on a tripod your image will be blurry.

And that’s it guys, the trick is to play with your settings until you get the correct exposure. Remember to shoot the moon on a clear day and of course, during a full moon. Try to remember the settings as these are really good settings to get you started. Possibly even get you the shot that you want.

One last thing, remember to have fun out there and to experiment with different compositions. If you find a really cool tree try to incorporate it in there somehow. Its all about having fun guys. Drop me a line below, I’d love to hear your experiences photographing the moon. Have you ever done it?

How to photograph the moon


Model Madness Recap

I hosted an awesome event over the weekend with my friend Sam. It was a great success, to say the least. Our goal was to have 30 photographers, and we hit our mark. The total was 30 photographers, 4 models, 4 lighting setups, and a few people helping out. The most important part is that we had plenty of space to be very comfortable.

As much as I wanted to shoot the models, well, I really couldn’t, I was working. I was trying to help people out individually, park cars, make sure the models did not need anything and well just trying to make sure thing ran smoothly. (between you and I, I have shot most of them before)

This larger events can be a bit tricky to navigate, however having done a fair share in my day, it was not a big deal. People were happy and some wanted to sign up to the next event on the spot. We are organizing something for Halloween. I will have something up on my Workshops Page.

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Photography Giveaway

Hi guys, I have been slammed with work the past few weeks, but I have been so much fun. From headshots to workshops out of the country, to working with models, I feel like I need a day off.

Anyways, I wanted to tell you about this amazing giveaway, it is so much awesome stuff and it is 100% free to enter. Click on this link and good luck.

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Free photography tutorials

Hi guys, I wanted to share with you a website loaded with daily FREE photography tutorials. That’s right FREE. This is where I go and watch videos and get tons of free information.

Whether you are looking for photography tutorials, editing or anything creative, guess what? They have you covered.  Ok ok, do you want to know what it is? Here is a link where they are playing live videos right now.

The truth is that Creative Live is the largest online school for creators. I have been using them for a long time to sharpen up my photography skills. They have a massive library of online courses and when you watch them live they are all free.

You can always purchase the courses to watch at your own leisure.

I first heard of Creative Live from Chase Jarvis, he is actually one of the creators of the school, and as a professional photographer, I knew I could trust him.

Conclusion – Having watched hundreds of videos, tutorials and taken online courses, I can tell you from first-hand experience that Creative Live is one of the best out there. The best part about it is that it is all FREE. You can’t beat that.

Check out some of the classes they have on right now and let me know what you think. I bet you will be addicted from this point forward. I know I am :)  Here is the link.


free photogarphy tutorials

Top 10 Best photography quotes of All Times

Here are the top 10 best photography quotes of all times. According to me anyway. These are very inspirational and they never get old to read. When I am lacking a bit of inspiration I read these quotes, next thing you know I want to run outside with my camera in hand and start taking pictures.  Quotes are often a great place to find inspiration. 

Great photos are a click away from good inspiration. I hope you enjoy these quotes as much as I do. If you are looking for inspiration sit back, relax, and check out the video.

Top 10 Best photography quotes

Top 10 Best photography quotes

“Taking an image, freezing a moment,
reveals how rich reality truly is.”
— Anonymous

“Only photograph what you love.”
— Tim Walker

“Today everything exists to end in a photograph.”
— Susan Sontag

“If you see something that moves you,
and then snap it, you keep a moment.”
— Linda McCartney

“Photography is the story I fail to put into words.”
— Destin Sparks

“The whole point of taking pictures
is so that you don’t have to explain things with words.”
— Elliott Erwitt

“One doesn’t stop seeing. One doesn’t stop framing.
It doesn’t turn off and turn on. It’s on all the time.”
— Annie Leibovitz

“Taking pictures is savoring life intensely,
every hundredth of a second.”
— Marc Riboud

“The best thing about a picture
is that it never changes, even when the people in it do.”
— Andy Warhol

The gear I used for all my photos: Nikon D800 with a Nikon 14-24mm a Nikon 24-85mm a Nikon 70-200.  A MeFOTO tripod is a must. I edit all my images with my Lightroom Presets download them and give them a try.

Do you have any favorite photography quotes? Leave them in the comments below. I would love to hear some more. They are good for the soul… 

Best places to rent camera equipment

Over the years I have learned a lot of things in the photography game. From taking photos to finding the best camera deals, and everything in between. One thing I have learned to do is to rent gear before I buy it. It is so nice to be able to test out expensive equipment and make sure I really like it before I spend a year’s salary on it.

My two favorite places to rent gear from are Borrow Lenses and Lens Rentals, they are both extremely good at what they do. I have ordered gear from both and it arrives on time, well packaged and in great shape, in some cases brand new.

They carry the latest and greatest gear, even drones, that’s right drones. Crazy to think you can rent just about anything camera related and you do not even have to leave your chair. If you have never rented gear, you should give it a go, it is fast, affordable, and hey, you get to play with the latest and greatest toys out there. Who says you have to be a pro to play with the best technology out there.

Here are the links to both:
Lens Rentals
Borrow Lenses

If you are in need of equipment for one time job, or you want to take the latest and greatest out for a spin, now you can. With a click of a mouse and just a few bucks, you can have it delivered to your front door in the blink of an eye.

lens rentalsborrow lenses

