Daily Photo-The Old Bridge

The Old Bridge

The Old Bridge

This is one of my favorite photos, I took this picture this summer while driving back through the Florida Keys. The clouds decided to align just right for the shot, it couldn’t of came out any better. This bridge is no longer in function and its amazing how it’s still standing with out any kind of maintenance.

Daily Photo-Pink Glove

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Pink Glove

This is the Port Of Miami Glove, everytime I drive by it I want to jump out of the car and take a photo of it. I finally got the opportunity to do this a few nights ago during a photowalk. The building you see behind it is the Freedom Tower lit in pink  recognizing October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This is my way to paint October pink. Please pass this around to help paint October pink.

Daily Photo-Sea Land Champion

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Sea Land Chapion

Walking home from the beach I spotted this massive cargo ship making a U turn, its really impressive to see this two small boats tow around this massive ship. I had to stop and watch it happen. The sky looked really  amazing almost like it was on fire. I pulled out my camera and here is what I saw.
