Tuscany Italy shot at sunrise. Have you ever been to Tuscany? If you have not, you need to get to Tuscany ASAP. Even if you are not a photographer you must go. I can’t begin to explain how beautiful it is. And well if you have been there, you know.
I shot this one bright and early in the morning. My alarm went off and I jumped out of bed put on my pants, grabbed my camera and practically ran out the door. As soon as the air hit my face I instantly woke up and just like that, I was on my way to shot the sunrise with a fat grin from ear to ear, like a kid on Christmas morning.
It was a chilly morning, but I did not care, all I wanted was to experience a sunrise in Tuscany Italy. I got to this particular location and I put on my 70-200, threw my camera on a tripod and got shooting. I love the way the sky turned out.
I edited this photo with my Lightroom Presets. Download them and give them a shot.