Here is an epic photo of Miami under the moon. I shot this the other day from a rooftop with my good friend. Its always awesome shooting epic pictures form new spots with specially with good friends. We stayed here until the moon completely set. It was the perfect end to another amazing and epic day.
Camera settings: 20 seconds f20 ISO100 24-85mm Lens
This is a really cool photo. It was a sunrise, Miami looked erie, and quite gray, but the moon looked amazing. Lucky for me I had my 70-200mm lens. I quickly pulled it out and took a few shots of this awesome scene. I couldn’t believe how big the moon was, so I sat there and admired it for a while before I headed back home with a fat grin on my face. Once I got home, I really couldn’t believe what I had just witnessed, lucky for me I have a photo of it that always take me back to that day.
How to add the moon to one of your photos:
Hello people, whats with all this moon talk, you know the moon is really not that hard to shoot, all you need is a crazy lens, like 400mm or above. If all you have is a 200mm like I do you can still shoot it and add it to one of your photos. Here is how.
I have added a high ress photo of the moon that I shot a couple days ago, you can download from here and use for your own edit. Feel free to right click download and follow along.
Now what would this post be with out the song of the day click to play and right click to download for free. Daft Punk – Get Lucky Freebies rock!!!
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I was doing a photo shoot all day yesterday for a new clothing line, on my way home I was passing down town Miami and the sky looked crazy, very Halloweenish. Though I was exhausted I couldn’t help my self to stop and sneak into some places to get some cool night shots. This is one of them. ISO 100 18mm F/10 30 second Exposure.