by edin chavez | Dec 19, 2016 | California, City Scapes, San Francisco
Here is a picture of the famous Lombard Street in San Francisco California. I shot this on my way to the airport and I was a bit in a rush, it was cold and windy but I was determined to get the shot. I had my camera positioned in such a way that it kept falling off. Finally after trying this shot for about 30 minutes waiting for cars to come and my camera to stop falling I feel I got the shot. I wanted to create a sense of movement thats why getting the cars in the shot was important. The lights show movement and also helps to identify Lombard street a bit better.

by edin chavez | Dec 18, 2016 | Architectural, City Scapes, educational, San Francisco
Here is a photo I shot in San Fransisco. It was cold and getting down to the bottom of this bridge was quite the mission. It was very steep and when you have no idea where you are going it can be quite scary and well more difficult. We were hoping for a good sunset, but that did not happen, so we waited till the sun fully set and got some good night shots. If you want to learn how I shoot and create images like this check out my new tutorial series The Art of Landscape Photography.
Camera settings:
30 seconds F16 ISO 100

by edin chavez | Sep 5, 2014 | San Francisco
San Francisco Broadway Tunnel. One of the most famous tunnels in the world, lots of car commercials get filmed here and when you drive throughout it you know why. Its awesome!!!
This was the last shot of the night, it was 1 in the morning and I was beat, but I couldn’t stop clicking, I was on my way to my hotel to catch a 5 am flight, craziness I know. This is actually my favorite shot of the entire trip driving up the coast from LA to SF.
Camera Settings: 1/25 Sec, F2.8 ISO 125 14-25mm Lens Have you ever been?

by edin chavez | Feb 15, 2014 | San Francisco
The Oakland Bridge
Every time I go to San Francisco I end up at this place, even if its just for a few minutes its a good place to chill and reflect. I have watched many sunsets from here (tho do to the fog I’ve never actually seen one). I will be back soon enough and end up on top of this hill photographing this bridge again. Its crazy how time flies…

by edin chavez | May 22, 2013 | Black & White, California, San Francisco, Street
Good day peeps, last week I was in San Francisco and I got to go to this awesome Google Glass Photowalk. The #TreyHawkWalk with Trey Ratcliff and Thomas Hawk, there was over 400 people and it was kind of nuts but lots of fun. If you want to see more photos from the event go HERE.
Below are my photos from the walk, I was focused on street photography more than anything else. This was shot with my Nikon D800 but I was also shooting film. Photos to come soon..
Happy humpday peeps, spread the love…
Check out my Main Site, it just got a face lift. I will also be uploading new galleries to it so make sure you come back soon. Spread the love…
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by edin chavez | Oct 5, 2012 | Outside Lands Festival, San Francisco
Outside Lands 2012, what an amazing show, I got to see so many of my favorite musicians of all times with some of my best friends. This trip was crazy, I flew to San Francisco just for this. I really wanted to see Metallica, Stevie Wonder and really everyone else there. I brought all my gear as always, but inside I had to make a choice, do I want to watch the show and fully sumerge my self into the music or do I want to photograph some of my favorite musicians of all times? The choice was easy. I would of love to capture all this rock stars on stage, but instead every time someone came to the stage I put my camera away, I wanted to enjoy this to the fullest and that I did. The only photos I really took was of my friends and of the people walking around in between stages going to see their favorite bands. Sometimes the moments are left to be captured by someone else and for me to simply enjoy with out having to think about anything at all… Spread the love peeps and Happy Friday…
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