Here is day 4 on developing your own photography style, remember to grab the RAW file and follow along.
In this video I focus more on a conventional look. Something that can please the photographer and the viewer alike. By combining very simple sliders in Lightroom I can achieve this look.
Here is day 2 on developing your own photography style, remember to grab the RAW file and follow along.
Remember that practicing your editing skills will help you develop your style. Go out and shoot everyday after you get home edit your photos until you get the look you are looking for.
In the next 5 days I will be posting a new video on how to edit a photo 5 different styles so you can see that the possibilities of editing a photograph are endless. The only way to develop your own editing style is through repetition. You can download the RAW file so you can follow along.
The more you edit your photos and the more you go out and take pictures, the more your style will start to come alive.
In this video I will show you how to batch edit your photos inside Lightroom. This is how I edit most of my pictures saving me lots of time. It is very easy to do and easy to fix each photo after you do the batch edit.
Hi guys I just wanted to give you heads up and let you know that I am giving away 3 copies of my latest course The Art of Landscape Photography. Its super easy to enter and I will be announcing the winners live on my Facebook page. Good luck guys, I will see you on the winning side!