Gran Turismo Injected

I have been into Volkswagen aka VW every since I can remember. I have owned quite a few of them. My first one was a black Golf, we used to call it the party movil back in the day. My friends and I would crash parties in it. After that I switched to GTI’s. I’ve had just about every color and I have modified them all. This one is my latest one, I have APR stage 2 on it and did all the work my self. (I love working on my cars) I shot this photo at the Wynwood Arts District here in Miami Florida.

The term GTI stand for Grand Turismo Injected.



The City of Hamburg Germany

The City of Hamburg Germany

My visit to Germany was very short lived. Even though I only spent a couple days there it gave me a taste of Germany, a really good one.

The City of Hamburg is full of life surrounded by incredible architecture, the streets are elegant and the people are amazing. The weather was rainy and cold but everything else made up for it, the weather didn’t bother me at all. I was in awe of what I always had imagined to be completely different, I suppose I just had no idea.

I left with a bit of a broken heart because I really wanted to get to know the place more. This isn’t the last I see of Germany, I will be back and it won’t be a short stay.

I shot this in a place called Speicherstadt in the middle of the rain, the conditions weren’t ideal but I made it work.

Camera settings: 20 seconds f10 ISO 100 70-200mm at 70mm

Hamburg Germany

Hamburg Speicherstadt Germany

I stayed at this incredible hotel, Barceló Hamburg. The check in was a breeze and the place was perfect, in the middle of everything, a short walk to the harbor and the train station making it easy to get around.

Barceló Hamburg

My room was perfect, I felt right at home. After traveling for a couple days it made it very easy for me to get some rest before heading out to explore the streets of Hamburg.

Barceló Hamburg

Needless to say the wine bar was quite nice. It had an incredible selection making it perfect to wrap up a long day of travels and shooting in the rain.

Barceló Hamburg winebar

A special thanks to Barcelo Hamburg for making my stay so pleasant. I will definitively be coming back.
