by edin chavez | Dec 21, 2017 | Events, Miami, Music, People
I had the pleasure of shooting Paris Hilton During Art Basel week. She made an appearance at a private party, and let me tell you she still has a massive following. After about an hour of her taking selfies with fans and on the red carpet she made it up on stage. I thought she was going up to wave a the crowd, but instead, she started to tear up the turntables. I had never seen Paris play before, and I was pleasantly surprised. She can get down and pump up the crowd.
As soon as she started playing the floor filled up with people dancing and trying to sneak a photo of Paris with their cell phones, it was impossible to get through that crowd, so I waited until her set was almost over to get in the crazy crowd and get a shot.
Here is one of my favorite photos I shot of her. She was dancing, pumping up the crowd and just having a good time. It’s good to see Paris in Miami, especially during Art Basel.

by edin chavez | Nov 16, 2017 | Landscapes, Events, Miami, Miami Beach
I am living the dream! That’s what we all want to be able to say right?
I had an awesome photography workshop this morning and it was epic, to say the least. I feel like I am dreaming every time I am in the presence of the Atlantic Ocean. Feeling the ocean breeze hit my face makes me smile like a kid at a toy store.
I have always had this idea in my head, that when I was older I would move to a warm beautiful beach somewhere, live on the sandy beach where the high tide would come up to my front doorsteps. Somewhere where I would wake up in a hammock in the middle of the night listening to the beautiful waves as they draw a big fat juicy smile on my face. Somewhere touristy where I would teach people how to surf or scuba or do something cool while they are on their dream vacation.
It was not until this morning when I realized I am living my dream. The dream I have been dreaming for a long time. It is crazy to think that I am doing everything I have described above. Well, I do not have a house on the beach (not yet anyway) however I live very close to it. So close to it I can walk to it, ride my skateboard, bicycle or if I really wanted to drive for 3 seconds and be upon its presence.
The best part of the story is that I teach workshops on the beach, sunrise photography workshops. Yes, I have subconsciously created the life I have always dreamed of. Crazy to think that right? I live in paradise, and teach people something I love to do.
The universe always works its self out. If you believe in something so bad and visualize it in your head day in and day out, it will eventually come true. Do not get me wrong, I have worked my butt off to get to this point, but it is happening. I feel so blessed to be in the situation that I am in.
I just launched my new Photography Workshops website, after teaching workshops to locals for over 5 years, I have opened the door to everyone from everywhere just about every day of the week. You guys kept asking me when I was going to do this, here you have it.
My new site is called please drop in, check out the site and the blog. Leave us a comment and book your next adventure with us. I promise it will be an unforgettable one. If you want to help us, simply share it with your friends and help us spread the word. We will be adding new tours, new photography guides and loads of new photos.

by edin chavez | Oct 14, 2017 | Everglades National Park, Events, Florida, Workshops
I am happy to tell you that the Everglades National Park is back open. When hurricane Irma hit South Florida, it left a lot of destruction in its path, especially at the Everglades. From what I was told by the rangers the roads were covered with trees and that the entire place was just in bad shape. The good news is that as of last week, they reopened it and we are good to go.
That brings me to October, this month is the official start of my Capture the Everglades Photography Workshop and Tour. That makes me really happy, as the Everglades is one of my favorite places to visit and photograph. It is so incredibly beautiful out there, I can’t really explain it. Just picture your self-sitting in pure silence hearing birds catching the most beautiful sunset you have ever seen. That’s what happens at the Everglades every single time, and it never disappoints…
If you get a chance to go out there, do it. If you need some guided assistance you can reach me directly through my contact page or simply sign up to one of my workshops. I promise you will not be disappointed and you will come back with a new respect for mother nature.

by edin chavez | Oct 11, 2017 | educational, Events, Fashion, Florida, Miami, Miami Beach
I hosted an awesome event over the weekend with my friend Sam. It was a great success, to say the least. Our goal was to have 30 photographers, and we hit our mark. The total was 30 photographers, 4 models, 4 lighting setups, and a few people helping out. The most important part is that we had plenty of space to be very comfortable.
As much as I wanted to shoot the models, well, I really couldn’t, I was working. I was trying to help people out individually, park cars, make sure the models did not need anything and well just trying to make sure thing ran smoothly. (between you and I, I have shot most of them before)
This larger events can be a bit tricky to navigate, however having done a fair share in my day, it was not a big deal. People were happy and some wanted to sign up to the next event on the spot. We are organizing something for Halloween. I will have something up on my Workshops Page.

by edin chavez | Feb 1, 2017 | Events, Miami, Miami Beach
I had a really busy weekend, started off with an amazing Capture the Everglades Workshop and carried on to the Miami Marathon. The Marathon was good, the bad thing was the weather. It was the coldest day of the year.
I was on my scooter as they needed me to follow the course and make stops along the way to shoot the athletes, the problem was that it was raining the entire time and I was freezing my butt off. All in all it went well and I got some good shots for the job. Here is one of my favorites.

by edin chavez | Jan 29, 2017 | Events, Meet ups, MeetUps
Once a month we host a cool event we like to call Models & Bottles. We get a few models, and some booze, some cool studio lighting set ups and have a grand ol time. Its a good place to mingle, exchange cards and ideas and talk shop.
I will announce the next one on my photography workshops page.