Ansel Adams once said “Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer – and often the supreme disappointment.” I could not agree more with this quote. It is only when all the elements come together and you happened to be there that the magic will happen.
For me, that was yesterday. It all happened so fast, but when it was all said and done, it was perfect. Top that off by an awesome circle of friends to share that moment with, and you have the perfect recipe for awesomeness.
I went out shooting downtown Miami the other night and the weather was perfect. It was so nice out it made shooting really easy. We walked up and down the river trying to catch some nice cityscapes. I think I managed to get this 2 shots. I want to go back and get some different angles, this is a tricky part of the city to shoot since you can’t really see the sunset from there.
Check out the vid to see what happened behind the scenes.
As the sun starts to set, this incredible Carnival Cruise Ship leaves the port of Miami. Its such a site to see, like an elephant marching into the wild. This site never gets old. The Miami port is aways ready for departure with new adventures in the open sea.
It pays off to have friends in high buildings. I ways bring my camera everywhere, specially when I know I might not get the chance to photograph something from that particular location again. When someone invites you over somewhere cool you would never have access to otherwise, you should always say yes!!! Here is why. These are views of the new Brickell City Centre and of course the beautiful Miami waters. How could you say no to this insane views.
Here is a picture of the famous Lombard Street in San Francisco California. I shot this on my way to the airport and I was a bit in a rush, it was cold and windy but I was determined to get the shot. I had my camera positioned in such a way that it kept falling off. Finally after trying this shot for about 30 minutes waiting for cars to come and my camera to stop falling I feel I got the shot. I wanted to create a sense of movement thats why getting the cars in the shot was important. The lights show movement and also helps to identify Lombard street a bit better.
Here is a photo I shot in San Fransisco. It was cold and getting down to the bottom of this bridge was quite the mission. It was very steep and when you have no idea where you are going it can be quite scary and well more difficult. We were hoping for a good sunset, but that did not happen, so we waited till the sun fully set and got some good night shots. If you want to learn how I shoot and create images like this check out my new tutorial series The Art of Landscape Photography.