Chichén Itzá, a great historical Mayan pyramid located in the Yucatan State of Mexico.
I have been here many times, and it never disappoints. There is such incredible energy in this place. When you stand in front of the great pyramid of Chichén Itzá, close your eyes, and you can see and hear the Mayans that used to spend time here.
About the image: I wanted to create a magical moment that really described Mexico. I used a Mexican Mariachi hat and a Mexican traditional blanket around the model to make it easy for the viewer to see where the pyramid was located.
Camera settings: 1/125 F11 ISO 100 Edited with my Lightroom Presets.
Real estate photography is a great way to make money on any market. However, a lot of photographers start out without knowing much about how to take great real estate photos. It is not the hardest thing in the world, however, it does require technical ability and an eye for the craft.
In this video, I share my most used techniques when it comes to Real Estate Photography. Real Estate Photography can be lots of fun and a great way to make a living money.
Here are my favorite ways to take Real Estate Photos to a new level.
1. Use a tripod. It’s important to bring a tripod to your next shoot. A lot of homes can be very dark and by having a tripod it will guarantee a clean sharp image every time.
2. Use a flash. Having an on/off camera flash is a nice way to light up a room. This can help set the mood of a room by splashing a little light in a dark corner or a shadow.
3. Move around. Do not stand in one place. Move around and find the best possible angle to get the best possible shot.
4. Use a wide-angle lens. Rooms are often small, a wide angle lens can create the feel of a big space.
5. Take your time. Do not rush the shots. Make sure you think about the composition and get the best possible shot.
6. Edit your photos. Once you have a nice collection of images, take them to a computer and edit them. I recommend Adobe Lightroom.
7. Use Lightroom Presets. This speeds up your workflow and gets a consistent look on your images every time. I recommend my Real Estate Lightroom Presets.
8. Batch edit your images. This will speed up your process and guarantee a speedy delivery to the client.
How to edit real estate pictures. lots of people seem to struggle with this particular topic. People often ask me: Edin how do I edit my Real Estate Pictures so they look nice and clean just like yours?
My answer is always the same. It takes a long time to develop your editing skills and style. Years of shooting and years of editing your photos will get you there. It is not as hard as you think, all you have to do is find your grove. Let’s talk about that.
Finding your groove in photo editing is just like anything else. You need to exercise your photography editing muscle daily. The more you exercise it, the stronger it gets.
If you are just starting out and have no idea as to what you are doing, I recommend you download my Real Estate Lightroom Presets. I decided to come up with an easier way to edit that I could have available to everyone. This particular Real Estate Lightroom Preset pack comes with a bonus video to get you editing like a pro. You can adjust the presets to suit your needs. In the bonus video, I teach you exactly that.
I came up with this Lightroom Presets to make this easy for everyone, and they have been very successful. They are super easy to tune up to your own particular style of photography and they are super easy to use. I have designed and calibrated these presets only for Real Estate Photography.
How to edit real estate pictures
Here are some before and after photos. You can see that the Real Estate Lightroom Presets make a massive difference in the images. Years of editing and practice are put into these presets. I promise you once you try these, they will be the only presents you will ever use for all your real estate photography needs.
In this video I will show you how to fix a skyline or any kind of distorted or leaning buildings. I do this with 2 simple sliders inside of Lightroom. I have a lot of old photos that look like this but I finally figured out how to fix them.
If you have any other suggestions I would love to hear them, drop me a line on the comments below.
Making my way to dinner I ran into this awesome scene. It reminds me like something out of a movie. I was so hungry and tired, but I had to set up my tripod and take this shot. Needless to mention it was freezing cold out and my hands were extremely cold. I like how the photo turned out. I’m glad I stopped and took the picture.
Here is one of my favorite photos of El Malecon in Havana Cuba. The winds were crazy making this insane waves crash onto the street. I had to time it precisely so I could get this particular shot. It was a bit tough since it was so windy where I was at and it kept moving my trypod and lens. Here is the location where this was shot from.