by edin chavez | May 8, 2017 | 17 Mile Drive, Florida, Key West
No matter how bad my day is, I can always count on a sunset making it better. Im not sure why I’m so attracted to sunrises and sunsets but I love them the same. I shot this picture at the Old Bridge in Key West Florida. The entire purpose of the trip was to get the sun setting right between the old broken bridge.

by edin chavez | May 7, 2015 | 17 Mile Drive, California, Landscapes
Pebble Beach California, one of the most beautiful places in California, and a place this eyes never get tired of seeing. I was up in Monterey for a few days just relaxing and I came here every night to watch the sunset.
This place is located right off the 17 Mile Drive facing the Pacific., just pull over to the side of the road and enjoy the scenery. This place is so incredible, you see it on TV all the time but you never really know what something is like until you see it in real life and explore it for yourself.
I have been coming to this place for years and every time I come here it gets better and better. I only caught one good sunset, the rest of the time it was just like you see in this photo, kind of moody and overcast, but beautiful non the less.
There are tons of places to shoot from on the famous 17 Mile Drive, so if you are only there for one day make sure you come early and explore where you want to shoot your sunset from because there is tons of amazing places. I can’t wait to come back…
Settings 0.4 seconds at f/22 ISO 50 14-24mm lens

by edin chavez | Sep 9, 2014 | 17 Mile Drive, California
Lone Cypress 17 Mile Drive
After a long day of taking photos on the 17 Mile drive we headed to the Lone Cypress to shoot the sunset. I quickly realized that the sunset was not going to come out, so I seatled for a nice quiet time to reflect and put my camera down. On my way up to the car, I say this, so I took one shot, I must say I got lucky, the colors came out crisp and the contrast looks really good.
Settings: 30 seconds, F16 ISO 100
About the Lone Cypress:
Standing on a granite hillside off California’s scenic 17-mile drive in Pebble Beach, the Lone Cypress is a western icon, and has been called one of the most photographed trees in North America. The tree is located between Cypress Point Golf Course and the Pebble Beach Golf Links, two of world’s most well known golf courses. Possibly as old as 250 years, the cypress has been scarred by fire and held in place with cables for 65 years” Wikipedia

by edin chavez | Aug 8, 2014 | 17 Mile Drive, California
17 Mile Drive California.
17-Mile Drive is a scenic road through Pebble Beach and Pacific Grove on the Monterey Peninsula in California, no matter how many times I go there its always magical.
As the sunset was setting I turned around only to see a family of deer behind me also admiring the sunset. It felt something out of a science fiction movie with a crazy twist of magic… This never gets old.